Unbreakable Teams: Leading Through Transformation with Insights from Post-Traumatic Growth

with Rebecca Weaver, HRuprise

The global crisis we’re emerging from did more than just disrupt our routines; it changed us. As the world shifted under our feet, we found our personal lives, communities, and work environments in flux. This session, inspired by the soon-to-be-released book by Rebecca Weaver, offers a deep dive into these changes and how nonprofit leaders can navigate the evolving landscape of their teams and businesses.

Why Attend?

– Hear Rebecca’s personal journey through one of life’s most challenging battles during a global pandemic and the transformative insights she gained.
– Discover the profound ways in which our values, expectations, and interactions have changed, especially in our work environments.
– Understand the true nature of Post-Traumatic Growth, away from the haze of toxic positivity, and how it can be harnessed for transformative leadership.

Key Takeaways:

1. A Changed World: Grasp how global crises change our personal and work lives, challenging our values and reshaping our interactions.

2. Beyond Resilience: Learn about the concept of Post-Traumatic Growth, its real-life implications, and how it differs from mere recovery.

3. Authentic Leadership: Drawing from Rebecca’s personal experiences and interviews with resilient individuals, gain insights into authentic leadership that acknowledges hardships but fosters growth.

4. Guiding Teams Forward: With the world and its people transformed, delve into actionable strategies and insights for leading teams through uncertainty and change.