Nonprofit Advocates: Creating the World We Want to Live In

with Tiffany Brace, Nonprofit Association of Washington

The regulatory landscape in Washington can be daunting and debilitating for nonprofits new and old, large and small. Nonprofits often don’t know all the advocacy actions they can take to enable their work. It can be overwhelming to know where to start – and scary to not know the rules.

But to truly fulfill our missions we need systemic change. Nonprofits are some of the most powerful advocates because they have deep ties to the community – and their leaders are naturally caring, tenacious, and creative people. By locking arms together in Olympia, we can dramatically improve our own futures as well as the future for our fellow nonprofits.

Join me for a crash course in advocacy and policy work. You’ll leave with a plan on how to make the systemic change you need to reach MISSION POSSIBLE.

Participants will:

  • understand how the legislature works and how to influence public policy
  • have a plan for how to advocate on an issue they care about
  • understand the roles of nonprofits in advocacy
  • gain a connection with me and other attendees, access to additional resources
  • leave ready to take action