Me to We: Awaken Conscious Leadership

with Sheila Siden, Sheila Siden Resource Strategies

Leadership development is evolving. Learnings about stress, influence, and creative leadership competencies are paving the way to collaborative models that support high performance leadership. The authoritarian model is giving way to conscious leadership where leaders lead well from within, unlocking and elevating shared identity and purpose for whole system strategic planning.

While board, staff, and stakeholders may align around a mission, they may have different ideas about how to bring the shared intention to reality, as well as different working styles and ways of contributing.

In a quick-change environment, the biggest leadership challenge is the rate of change happening faster than we as individuals and groups are equipped.

Awakening Conscious Leadership, we can learn to resource ourselves and others so we can bring shared values, strengths, and guiding principles to life more effectively day to day.

Participants will gain these takeaways:

  • Overview of a whole-person approach to leadership: conscious leadership
  • Personal experience with appreciative inquiry
  • Deepen professional relationships with colleagues in attendance
  • Gain takeaways from their overall conference experience looking through the lens of inquiry
  • Experience an approach they can take to develop their team

Session Handout

Me to We Assessment