Engaging Latinx Communities in Your Nonprofit Work

with Brissa Perez , Nonprofit Association of Washington & Jessica Molina, Grays Harbor – RISE Coalition

The “Bridges to Tomorrow” conference theme will be full of community-based partnership opportunities. When coalitions, nonprofits, and other organizations reach out to partner with Latinx organizations, it’s essential to understand the culture and approaches. What is often the norm for traditional business and nonprofit models might not be the same for a Latinx community-based organization. Through a presentation and panel discussion with Latinx professionals in different sectors of the community, Grays Harbor – RISE Coalition and Nonprofit Association of Washington (NAWA) will help bridge gaps to resources that will support engaging Latinx communities in your nonprofit work.

During the presentation, the RISE Coalition panelists will share strategies organizations can implement to continue building connections and strengthening relationships with BIPOC community-based organizations. When exploring partnership opportunities, these practices, perspectives, and resources can help with developing project proposals, decision making, and shaping volunteer recruitment. Attendees will receive digital and physical copies to reference the concepts discussed. We hope to create a welcoming learning and networking space for all nonprofit leaders.

Session Slides